The "Worlds Worst Hacker" (hacks
This is a transcript of the worlds dummest hacker on an IRC channel.
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Saturday, September 30, 2006
Apple's Sense of Humor: "Do not Eat iPod Shuffle"
We can only assume that Apple had a pica-sufferer on staff when they decided to render the advice highlighted above (that a real screengrab from the iPod Shuffle website, by the way isn't Apple funny?)
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Verizon: "Unlimited bandwidth means 5GBs or less or we cancel your account"
Verizon offers an "unlimited" wireless data download service. Specifically, it's limited to five gig per month. After that, you get fined $175 and your account is cancelled. "The people who cancel your account ... don't know how to answer your questions, they just know how to accuse their customers of downloading porn."
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iPod Phone Prototype
This is one of the concept phones being worked on at the Black Box. No keypads, no buttons, just a huge touchscreen. From the initial pictures it looks like the interface changes on the fly.
I'm digging the black minimalist design overall.
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I'm digging the black minimalist design overall.
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Cellphones Keeping the Romance Alive?
How can a guy that is so obviously in touch with his feelings not understand the power of that little SMS to show someone you care about them, or the random phone calls saying I just called to say I love you, talk to you later. His answer left me speechless:
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Chatting on cellphones could help reduce traffic congestion
Based on the idea that most people keep their mobile phones on while driving, Lod, Israel-based Cellint created the TrafficSense system to detect the cellular signals and use them to create a real-time moving picture of what's happening on the roads.
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Web 2.0 Creates the Industry of Cool
Erika Brown, toughing it out with Forbes in their Silicon Valley Bureau, reminds us that in the past 18 months, companies that enable podcasting, blogging, Web video and social networking have raised nearly half a billion dollars. Brown also believes that today's tech entrepreneurs have a simple goal: fame and fortune.
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Friday, September 29, 2006
WiFi Lab in Fayetteville, NC Awaiting Funding
A WiFi test lab in Fayetteville is likely to have $1.08 million in federal funding coming its way.
Can you say, "Jobs for Fayetteville" 9 times real fast without messing up?
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Can you say, "Jobs for Fayetteville" 9 times real fast without messing up?
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U.S. newspaper help-wanted ad index fell in August

Do we expect that it's going to climb? I'm sure glad somebody paid a private research group the $$ to figure this out.
Let me save ya'll some time and $$, ok?
Internet Advertising Revenue: it's going up.
Newspaper Advertising Revenue: it's going down.
Thanks, that'll be $300, please.
Here's an excerpt from the article: (Reuters)
NEW YORK, Sept 28 (Reuters) - The number of help-wanted ads in U.S. newspapers fell in August, a private research group said on Thursday.
The Conference Board said its gauge measuring help-wanted ad volume in the United States read 31 in August, down from 32 in July and from 37 a year ago.
"The latest data show that job advertising in print edged lower again in August, while the rise in ad volume online continued to slow," said Ken Goldstein, labor economist at the Conference Board, in a statement.
"A stronger job market this winter does not seem likely, given the overall economic environment," he added.
Help-wanted ads declined in eight of the index's nine regions in the last three months, with the steepest fall in the West North Central region, the Conference Board said. The ads in that region fell 17.5 percent.
RadioTail Releases Free Podcast Stats Tracking

Podcasting stats and ads company RadioTail is announcing prior to this weekend’s Portable Media Expo in Ontario, California that they are now offering their podcast stat tracking service Ripple for free to any podcaster.
The company hopes that podcasters using the free service will sign up to let RadioTail sell or serve ads for them. Publishers who don’t want to use their web based dyanmic ad serving features are free to use the analytics at no cost indefinitely.
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$$$ + YouTube = Moron?

Mark, baby, so tell us how you really feel about YouTube?
Billionaire investor and dot-com veteran Mark Cuban had harsh words on Thursday for YouTube, the online site that lets people share video clips, saying only a "moron" would purchase the wildly popular start-up.
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10 Tips for Becoming a Better Blogger

If nobody bothers to read your blog posts, you might as well just scribble your thoughts on a cocktail napkin. But if you truly want to share your ideas and opinions, check out these pointers for crafting an engaging blog and building a loyal following.
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David Pogue: There will probably never be an iPhone
Everyone's always asking me when Apple will come out with a cellphone. My answer is, probably never!
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Slimmest Screen For Cellphones Introduced!

The current record holder for the world's slimmest phone, the Samsung SGH-X820, won't be able to hold the crown for a long. LG Philips is claiming to have produced the world's slimmest LCD screen for cellphones.
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
TechCrunch breaks feedburner with 1 million feeds - maybe
either has reached a new level in an unprecidented amount of time or they broke feedburner. Tcrunch had 1,115k (yes thats 1,115,000) RSS Subscribers according to their feedburner widget. Yesterday it was 120k. Who's right, who's wrong, who signed up with 900,000 spam emails?
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But there are no pictures! - the rush in text
Marshall Kirkpatrick, from TechCrunch details a selection of the many SMS services that have been popping up lately.
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WiFi USB Super Antenna
Does your wireless network only work in close range to your router? Extend your WiFi network without purchasing an expensive repeater. You'll save money and electricity with the same results by installing the WiFi USB Super Antenna, which will let you access your wireless network from anywhere in the house or on your property, up to a mile away.
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Steve Jobs tells Phil Shiller to Demo Wireless Accelerometer by Jumping
(Video) From 7 years ago, but demonstrates the lengths Apple would go to to entertain Macworld Attendees...After having introduced the AirPort wireless technology at MacWorld NY, Steve insisted that VP of Worldwide Marketing Phil Shiller helped him demo it - as well as entering the "Demo Hall of Fame"
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Slimmest cellphone screens in the world
LG and Philips LCD have worked together to create the slimmest cellphone screens in the world, with a thickness that measures only 1.3mm. This is roughly 32% to 55% slimmer than what their competitors are able to squeeze out.
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Holy Mother of Wireless! Motorola Named Best Place for Mothers
Motorola Named a 2006 Working Mother 100 Best Company by Working Mother Magazine.
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Get a Wireless Network in 60sec
Lantronix today announced the newest version of its award-winning WiBox wireless Device Server, to serve the growing demand for WiFi technology that allows companies to remotely manage and control their appliances and machines over the network or the Internet.
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Verizon Quietly Launches the Moto KRZR
It was less than a week ago we brought news that Verizon Wireless was going to be the first to launch Motorola's follow-up to the ubiquitous RAZR, the Moto KRZR K1m. We also told you that it would happen any day now, and we're happy to say that today is the day.
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